10 Quick Ergonomic Tips that You Can Start Using Now

If you’re reading this blog, then you are most likely sitting at a computer. And if you’re like me, that’s where you spend many hours each day. As a company, since we are in the furniture industry, and especially the call center furniture market, we are very conscious about ergonomics because we know first hand that incorporating ergonomics into a call center furniture system can help employees stay comfortable (thus more productive) throughout the day.


Not only do we promote ergonomics to our customers, we practice what we preach. In our office and in our manufacturing facility, we gather for a brief stretch in the morning and after lunch. This past week we recently celebrated an incident free year, including workers comp claims. Daily ergonomic stretches have helped with our achievement.

To celebrate we are sharing 10 Quick Ergonomic Tips that you can start using right now.

1 – Move your chair up and down a few inches several times throughout the day to give your body a different working position.

2 – Use the 20/20/20 rule. Every 20 minutes look away from your computer screen at a spot approximately 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

3 – Lean back in your chair and let it support your back. If you are leaning forward to see your computer screen you are not using proper ergonomic positioning.

4 – Keep your elbows at 90 degree angles and make sure your wrists are not tilted up when typing. For proper positioning, keep them at a slight negative tilt or neutral position.

5 – When using your mouse make controlled mouse movements using your elbow as the pivot point and keep your wrist straight and neutral.

6 – Good room lighting is important to help prevent eyestrain. Adjust your monitor to avoid reflections on the screen surface.

7 – If you have a document holder use it. Place it at about the same height and distance as the monitor screen. This will mean little head movement, or need for your eyes to re-focus when you look from the document to the screen.

8 – Use task lights to reduce dilation of eyes between tasks, which will reduce eyestrain. Task lighting can reduce CVS (computer vision syndrome) symptoms including eyestrain, headaches, and fatigue.

9 – Consider a foot rest. A footrest may not seem like a key ergonomic accessory, but incorporating a footrest does provide some great ergonomic benefits. It promotes movement and it also supports the legs, which can relieve pressure from the lower back, or help to support the legs for a shorter user.

10 – Don’t wait. If you are uncomfortable while working address it now by assessing your working position and/or requesting proper ergonomic accessories, before it turns into a major health issue down the road.

To read more about ergonomics download our free white paper titled ‘Workstation Design Tips: Is Your Health at Risk?‘. The white paper discusses how to create a workstation that will enable you to be more productive, comfortable, and healthy.  www.interiorconcepts.com/uploads/pdf/IC_Whitepaper_Ergonomics.pdf

For a quick visual of proper ergonomic positions while working at a computer visit the OSHA site: www.osha.gov/SLTC/etools/computerworkstations/index.html.


  1. Move your chair up and down a few inches several times throughout the day to give your body a different working position.


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